TAX DEBT RELIEF OPTIONS – Indiana Department of Revenue
M&M’s President and Founder, Mark Mitchell, is an Indiana Native. He takes great pride in helping his fellow Hoosiers fix their tax problems.
Call (866) 487-5624 to find out how we fix IN-DOR back-taxes.
Ask for Mark!If your business owes the state of Indiana, don’t wait too long to address it.
- Sales tax
- Withholding tax
- Corporate Income tax
The state of Indiana is known to get the
County Sheriff’s office involved or contract third party collection agencies to collect the tax debt. This seems harsh, but it’s true. It’s never good for business when a Sheriff shows up to collect a tax debt. Avoid the Sheriff, get started on it today.
Indiana DOR Payment Plan Agreement to Satisfy Your Tax Debt
A payment plan is the most common way to effectively resolve your business tax debt. This seems simple enough, but it can be messy. The IN-DOR doesn’t like to hand out monthly payment plans to businesses that owe delinquent Sales tax, Withholding tax, or Income tax. They see your tax debt as an unauthorized loan that’s due immediately.
The payment-plan agreement is a last resort solution. Be prepared to have your business and personal finances thoroughly reviewed before monthly payments are granted.
Even though the IN-DOR website states that payment agreements often require little to no down payment, be prepared to come up with one. Depending on your compliance history and the size of your tax liability, you may have to cough up
10% - 20% of your total tax liability as a down payment. The typical term of a DOR payment plan
may be up to 36 months for debts over $5,000, but you may have to submit a
Hardship Request to get more than 18 months to pay.
You may also be able to get your
Payment Plan Online.
In-DOR Offer in Compromise Program
The state of Indiana
does have an Offer in Compromise program as an option for those that qualify. However,
M&M does not advise operating businesses to attempt settling their back-taxes through the OIC because they’re rarely accepted. This may not be what you’d like to hear, but it’s the truth.
Indiana Back-Tax ReSOLUTION Examples
Back-tax resolutions through the IN-DOR will vary depending on the factors of each case.
- How much your business owes,
- The type of tax owed, and
- Compliance history among other factors
If your business owes Indiana Sales tax, Withholding tax or Corporate Income tax you may find the following case examples helpful. You can see the wide variety of IRS and State of Indiana back-tax solutions
negotiated by M&M.
page last reviewed 01/16/2025
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